Monday, May 4, 2009

harder in words than heart

Tolkien speaks of the 'Fire of Anon', the hope that must be kindled in each heart. This is a far more tangible thing than the context of magic suggests. The energy we measure in this universe through gravity, the arm lifting a child from the floor, is steered and released by the mind. Energy is simply calories until the human mind determines its application. The fire within us must be tended, reflecting some of its heat within to keep out own hearts warm, the rest exercised with skill and thought on those around us, in dedication to the knowledge that though each of us is unique, noone burns alone. This fire is a primal one, born in pain, forged in an evolutionary path of violence, destruction and rape. Still, our noblest qualities have transcended the iron callous of natural selection. It is this fire that must be guarded and strengthened. Taking care to accept heat only from the purest flames, lest we let our hearts burn wildely, giving birth to actions of insanity and aggression rather than a heat to forge us into one people, one voice.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Digital Ethnography

Here's my ethnography on the Physics Forum, an online site devoted to developing science professionals.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

wiki article, round two

Rather than fight wikipedia over the relevance of my childhood on the Ice Age Trail, I've moved to a topic that I KNOW:

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Walkthroughs

Tim (and 12 year olds everywhere) can now benefit from not one, not two, but three strategies I've listed on the official Diablo II section of Specifically, the strategies for assassins in acts III, IV and V are purely of my own construction and experience.

Let's just call gaming pages the back door to wikipedia and get over it. I'm sure this will cripple me socially one day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

wiki article

I've added a new section to the wikipedia article on the Wisconsin Ice Age Trail entitled Uncleared Farmland which gives a brief explanation for the form that the trail takes on in some regions of southern Wisconsin.

And they've completely taken it down. I'll get you a copy, Tim.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

take it to the streets

I took advantage of a photo of myself and a friend of mine taking part in the State Street celebration of Barack Obama's victory to write a fictional news release based on a conversation about dune grass. Its about a 9 on the random meter.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

what will school's look like then?

A jar partly filled with marbles shaken vigorously,
until the jar itself shatters, and the floor of society is covered
with shattered teachers and fast moving marbles, I mean, minds.

analyze this

Analysis of a poem by Robert Kendall.

Though logical thought is comforting in its usefulness, it is simply a method of thought within your mind, and the mind is capable of many more- some simple, some not. But the affinity our habits hold for the methods that have helped us prevail in the past keeps us close to the path, and ignorant of what may form into a new method, a new understanding. No rules or forms from any previous method can foster a new method's growth so much as the single concept: